Barcelona Dental Clinic - Contactar 93 212 10 08

Dental Clinic of Barcelona

1st consult free of charge

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C/ Ganduxer, 122 – 08022 Barcelona

Dental Clinic of Barcelona

What is a bite plate?

This is a protective device used on the teeth while we sleep. 

Dr. Jordi Cambra and Víctor Cambra, specialized dentists, in Barcelona..

1st consult free of charge

Contact us...

C/ Ganduxer, 122 – 08022 Barcelona

1st consult free of charge

C/ Ganduxer, 122 – 08022 Barcelona

The bite plate is made of transparent resin and is fitted to the teeth, protecting them from making contact with the teeth on the opposite jaw.

It also lets the musculature of the jaw relax and gives the user greater comfort in the jaw area. 

You can consult our section of general information about dental treatments, to get an overview of this treatment and how we approach it in our dental clinic in Barcelona.


Contacte sin compromiso con nuestro equipo, para informarse sobre nuestros servicios en salud y estética dental. Solicite información telefónica sobre su caso o cita previa para nuestra 1ª Visita Sin Coste.


1st consult free of charge

Contact us...

93 212 10 08

C/ Ganduxer, 122 – 08022 Barcelona


¡Gracias por contactar con nosotros!

Clínica Dental Cambra Clinic
Clínica Dental Cambra Clinic
Clínica Dental Cambra Clinic
Clínica Dental Cambra Clinic
Clínica Dental Cambra Clinic

Cambra Clinic
Dental clinic Barcelona

Dental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.


Cambra Clinic
Dental clinic Barcelona

Dental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.