Barcelona Dental Clinic - Contactar 93 212 10 08
Consult our dental treatments and contact our dental specialists to inform you.
Our team of dentists will inform you.
Cambra Clinic, dental Clinic Barcelona. Dental treatments with digital dentistry. Team of dentists by specialties.
Consult our dental treatments and contact our dental specialists to inform you. Our team of dentists will inform you.
Dr. Victor Cambra, leads with the Cambra Clinic team, the application of digital technology in dental health and dental aesthetics.
Barcelona Dental Clinic with more than 30 years of experience, treatments with digital dentistry and team of dentists by specialty.
Dental Clinic Barcelona … Team of dentists by specialties. We put at your fingertips the best personal and professional attention in health and dental aesthetics.
CONSULT TREATMENTSThe Cambra method is the result of this experience, the team work of dental specialists and the application of the most advanced techniques and materials.
METHOD CAMBRAIn our dental clinic, we have applied digital technology to our treatments. This technology facilitates an accurate diagnosis, a visual simulation of the final result and a treatment with greater comfort and precision for the patient.
DIGITAL DENTISTRYContacte sin compromiso con nuestro equipo, para informarse sobre nuestros servicios en salud y estética dental. Solicite información telefónica sobre su caso o cita previa para nuestra 1ª Visita Sin Coste.
¡Gracias por contactar con nosotros!
Cambra Clinic. Digital dentistry and professional team of dentists by specialty.
Cambra Clinic. Meet our team of dentists by specialties
TEAMLicense nº 13422 – Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona
License nº 6232 – Col·legi d’Odontòlegs i Estomatòlegs de Catalunya
In the following sections (arranged according to different dental treatments), you can find related information on the most common questions of dentistry (dental health and aesthetics).
FREQUENT QUESTIONSIn the following sections (arranged according to different dental treatments), you can find related information on the most common questions of dentistry (dental health and aesthetics).
FREQUENT QUESTIONSIn our Blog / Magazine on health and dental aesthetics, you can find current articles related to Cambra Clinic and our services.
CAMBRA CLINIC MAGAZINESiguiendo las recomendaciones de los expertos y de las autoridades sanitarias, es neces...
Technology is here to stay. In every field of everyday life, technology is here to stay. L...
Aids for completely toothless patients to obtain a third set of teeth. Get your Smile back...
At Cambra Clinic we have acquired a 3D sensor for milling a digitally defined surface that...
In our Blog / Magazine on health and dental aesthetics, you can find current articles related to Cambra Clinic and our services.
MAGAZINE CAMBRA CLINICSiguiendo las recomendaciones de los expertos y de las autoridades sanitarias, es neces...
Technology is here to stay. In every field of everyday life, technology is here to stay. L...
Aids for completely toothless patients to obtain a third set of teeth. Get your Smile back...
At Cambra Clinic we have acquired a 3D sensor for milling a digitally defined surface that...